Subsidy and assistance from state authorities and organizations in accessories!

Nov 10, 2023 | 0 comments

Hearing Aid-

The subsidy is carried out through the supplementary insurance of the various health funds. The health insurance funds participate in financing hearing aids for those aged 65 and over.

General – the subsidy is done in a perfect general way. Klalit Perfect customers over the age of 18 who need hearing aids will be able to receive them – according to a specified list of device models that appears on the Klalit Perfect website. In order to receive the service, one must have a referral from a doctor of Klalit Health Services, or a doctor approved by Klalit Perfect, or a referral from a Klalit communication clinician. The service can be used after 6 months of joining the perfect college. The reimbursement amount is up to 75% of the cost of the accessories, up to a maximum amount of NIS 1,100 per calendar year.

How can the subsidy be obtained?

Make sure you have the following documents:

A. Tax invoice and original receipts signed by the service provider. Make sure that the details of the buyer and the type of accessory purchased are stated on the invoice. If the invoice/receipt in your possession is computerized/digital, you must attach a statement that the original was not transferred to any other party.

B. A referral from a doctor or communication clinician of General Health Services, confirming the need for the accessory, relevant to the year of purchase.

2. The refund request can be submitted through the website here>>>

3. You can also fill out an application form, a refund form, attach to the application form the required documents listed above, and send it to Kallit Memhol, Claims Department, P.O. Box 2265 Bnei Brak, zip code 5112201

The rest of the checkouts, you can go to the following links or contact us by phone and check-

  1. Maccabi Cooperative, phone- *3555
  2. National Insurance Company – 1-700-507-507
  3. United Cooperative – 1-222-3833

Assistance in financing mobility devices-

The Ministry of Health participates in the financing of rehabilitation, mobility and walking devices.

Assistance in financing walking aids-

Who is eligible? – People with permanent disabilities who need devices, including those who are hospitalized in nursing homes, hospitals and institutions of the Ministry of Welfare.

  • The insured’s deductible is 25% of the cost of the device, or of the maximum participation ceiling established for him, whichever is lower.
  • Recipients of the following allowances are exempt from paying a deductible (it is necessary to submit appropriate certificates for the allowance):
  • People who find it difficult to finance their share, can contact the social worker at the health bureau with income certificates of both spouses (salary slip/pension/allowance, self-employed tax assessment and other documents that will be required).
  • Social Worker may increase the participation of the Ministry Of Health up to 90% of cost of device in the following cases:
    • In the same year, another device was purchased.
    • There are other people in the family who are entitled to assistance in financing a device that year.
    • That year, the applicant had additional expenses related to his disability, for which he did not receive assistance from another source.
    • The family finances the stay of a child or other first-degree family member at the institution.

The devices, as stipulated in the third supplement to the State Health Insurance Law, are:

  • Limb prostheses, gloves to cover a hand prosthesis and stump socks (in the case of replacing a stump or prosthesis).
  • Special medical shoes.
  • Waist support belts and orthoses (splints).

The process of exercising the right

  • You must have a recommendation from an orthopedist or a rehabilitation doctor and contact the guidance coordinator at the health office in the residential area.
  • For those who stay in institutions, the application can be made through the framework in which they stay.
  • The orientation coordinator will check the details and refer the applicant to a licensed doctor using a card that will indicate the participation rate of the office.
  • The applicant can choose a doctor from a list that will be given to him by the orientation coordinator.
  • The doctor will examine the applicant and determine his eligibility for the device.
  • The applicant can choose a supplier from a list of authorized workshops.
  • After receiving the device, the doctor will check its quality and suitability for the applicant’s needs.

National appointment center for Lewis Institute patients

  • The Lewis Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Health established a national appointment calling center in order to make it easier for the institute’s patients, and to reduce the length of time waiting for an appointment.
  • Patients of the Lewis Institute who are entitled to custom-made walking aids can make an appointment through the hotline for licensed doctors in the hospitals where the Institute’s clinics operate.
  • The hotline, whose number is 03-7575660, operates Sunday-Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
  • During the hours when the hotline is closed, the applicant can leave a message and they will get back to him.

Victims of road accidents

  • In general, traffic accident victims have been insured since 1975 according to the law on compensation for traffic accident victims.
  • However, as of May 17, 2012, victims of road accidents are entitled to receive rehabilitation and mobility devices from the Ministry of Health after the conclusion of the legal proceedings in their case with the insurance company, on the condition that the judgment/settlement agreement established does not include compensation for the devices in the future as well and does not prevent the Ministry of Health from being reimbursed by the insurance company.
  • Until the legal decision is issued, the insurance company is responsible for supplying or financing the necessary devices.
  • For more details, see Medical Administration Circular No. 15/2014 – Approval of rehabilitation and mobility accessories and walking aids for traffic accident victims.

Assistance in financing rehabilitation devices –

The Ministry of Health participates in the financing of rehabilitation devices.

  • The firm participation of a rate of 25%of price determine accordin to the type of device ,according to the division of two groups:
    • Devices for which a maximum amount is set (which is not the full price of the device).
    • Devices to check for 3 quotes. The price of the device will be determined according to the cheapest offer.
  • The deductible is at a rate of 25% of the amount determined by the Ministry of Health (except in cases where an exemption is granted and will be detailed later).

Who is eligible?

  • A person with a permanent disability who needs a rehabilitation device and lives in the community.
  • According to the determination of the High Court of Justice, the state is responsible for funding for those who stay in out-of-home care of the Ministry of Welfare.

Who is not eligible?

  • Work accident victim
  • casualty of hostilities
  • Disabled IDF
  • Holocaust survivors receiving compensation from the Ministry of Finance
  • The disabled from the war against the Nazis
  • Holocaust survivors who receive an allowance for camp and ghetto survivors from the Ministry of Finance

Exemption from payment of deductible-

  • No deductible is required for the following rehabilitation devices:
  • Regarding the rest of rehabilitation,the following populations are attempt from paying from deductible device:
    • Recipients of an income supplement supplement for an old-age pension
    • Recipients of an income supplement supplement for a survivor’s pension
    • Recipients of a full disability allowance that includes a family allowance
    • Recipients of an income guarantee benefit
    • Families whose net income is the amount of an old-age benefit with an income supplement supplement (net income is after deductions for income tax, the National Insurance Institute, health insurance, pension fund and workers’ council have been reduced).
  • To receive the exemption from the payment, it is necessary to submit appropriate certificates, depending on the qualifying reason.
  • People who find it difficult to finance their share, can contact the social worker at the Ministry of Health with proof of income from both spouses (salary slip/pension/allowance, self-employed tax assessment and other documents that will be required).
  • The social worker may increase the participation of Ministry of Health up to 90% cost of the device in the following cases:
    • In the same year, another device was purchased.
    • There are other people in the family who are entitled to assistance in financing a device that year.
    • That year, the applicant had additional expenses related to his disability, for which he did not receive assistance from another source.
    • The family finances the stay of a child or other first-degree family member at the institution.

List of rehabilitation devices-

  • The list of devices, established in the third supplement to the State Health Insurance Law, includes:
  • Eye prostheses and scleral prostheses (lenses) for all ages. The Ministry of Health finances the full cost (no deductible is required).
  • Facial prostheses – nose/ear/orbital. Breast prosthesis, once every two years. The Ministry of Health finances the full cost or the established participation ceiling (whichever is lower). Bra for a breast prosthesis – funding is given only once. The Ministry of Health finances the full cost (no deductible is required). Assistive and alternative communication devices – systems that allow the user the ability to communicate through recorded or typed messages that replace speech. The use of devices allows people without the ability to speak or with poor speech intelligibility to express themselves, thus communicating with their environment in an optimal and independent way, as much as possible.
  • The equipment that has been financed includes:
    • Dedicated computers on which dedicated software will be installed. In cases of a physical limitation in operating the computers, accessibility accessories to operate them (such as a special mouse or activation switches) will also be financed.
    • Supportive and alternative computerised communication systems that are operated through gaze focusing, and the aids that accompany them (such as a column or an arm for the computer’s adjusted position).

The process of exercising the right-

  • You should contact the relevant doctor at the health fund to receive a recommendation.
  • The Document required for the assistance request:
    • For hearing aids – a referral from an audiologist and a speech therapist’s recommendation along with an audiological examination
    • For visual aids (including eye prostheses) – an ophthalmologist’s recommendation
    • Breast prostheses – recommendation of a family doctor/ internist/ oncologist/ surgeon
    • ID photo
  • The submission of the documents to the health bureaus can be done by the health funds or directly by the applicant/representative on his behalf.
  • The request is submitted to the device coordinator in the department of chronic diseases and rehabilitation at the nearest health office.
  • The documents can be submitted on reception days in the department, by mail or by fax.
  • A local committee will discuss the request and the committee’s decision (approving or rejecting the request) will be sent in a reply letter to the applicant.
  • Instructions regarding the continuation of the process will be detailed in the reply letter that will be sent to those whose application has been approved.
  • Those who have received confirmation of eligibility of self purchase,will submit the following documents to Health Office to receive refund :
    • Confirmation of eligibility
    • Device receipt confirmation form (signed)
    • Invoice and receipt – original documents
    • Bank account details for bank transfer of the refund (using a copy of a canceled check)


  • Those whose request for assistance was rejected may appeal the committee’s decision.
  • The appeal shall be submitted in writing through the Health Bureau.
  • The appeal committee hearing will be held within 30 days from the date of receipt of the appeal and its handling at the health bureau.

Important Information:

  • The authorisation to finance the device will be valid for six months.

The list of mobility equipment that is subsidized by the Ministry of Health-

  • The Devices are stipulated in the third supplement to the state health insurance law :
    • Manual wheelchairs
    • strollers
    • Buggy chairs
    • motorized wheelchairs
    • Wheelchairs for toilets
    • Special cushions for wheelchairs
    • Inserts (seating systems) for wheelchairs
    • Full Fowler + HI-LOW hydraulic and electric beds
    • Electric air mattresses (standard) to prevent pressure sores
    • Electric and hydraulic domestic cranes
    • Rear walkers
    • Rollators
    • Treadmill will die
    • Canadian crutches
    • Crawlers/portable stairlifts – in exceptional cases

Fully funded devices for pension recipients:

  • The following devices are financed only for the recipient of allowances mentioned above(without the need for a deductible) :
    • Normal treadmills
    • Walking sticks of all kinds
    • Sponge cushions to prevent pressure sores
    • Standard sponge mattresses (“egg pattern”)

The process of exercising the right:

  • You should contact the family doctor at the health fund.
  • The family doctor or other specialist doctor will forward the referral to a physical therapist or occupational therapist (who has a certificate of authorization to recommend), for the purpose of checking eligibility for participation in the financing of the device.
  • The professional officials at the health fund will guide the applicant regarding the documents he must submit and the process of submitting the application to the Ministry of Health.
  • Documents to be submitted:
    • Current medical/nursing report signed by a doctor and a nurse
    • Specification and/or recommendation of a physical therapist or therapist in the occupation of the insuring health fund
    • A social report signed by an attorney from the health fund or the social services department in the locality (recommended in the case of motorized/electric mobility devices or as required by the bureau)
    • ID photo
  • The submission of the documents to the health bureaus can be done by the health funds or directly by the applicant/representative on his behalf.
  • The request is submitted to the device coordinator in the department of chronic diseases and rehabilitation at the nearest health bureau.
  • The documents can be submitted on reception days in the department, by mail or by fax.
  • A local committee will discuss the request and the committee’s decision (approving or rejecting the request) will be sent in a reply letter to the applicant.
  • Complex devices (a bed with an electric mechanism, a motorized wheelchair, an auxiliary motor for a manual wheelchair, a crane with electric operation and a caterpillar) are transferred to a district committee for discussion.
  • Instructions regarding the continuation of the process will be detailed in the reply letter that will be sent to those whose application has been approved.
  • Those who have received confirmation of eligibility for self-purchase, will submit the following documents to the health office in order to receive a refund:
  • :
    • Confirmation of eligibility
    • Device receipt confirmation form (signed)
    • Invoice and receipt – original documents
    • Bank account details for bank transfer of the refund (using a copy of a canceled check)

Submitting an application for those aged 70 and over:

  • In the Application of those age 70 and over there is a option to submit application for financing mobility devices in one of the following way :
    • Sending the request to the email address:
    • Sending the request to the fax number: 03-9135864
  • These inquiries are handled by the Ministry of Health through an external company.


  • Those whose request for assistance was rejected may appeal the decisions of the committees.
  • The appeal shall be submitted in writing through the Health Bureau.
  • The appeal committee hearing will be held within 30 days from the date of receipt of the appeal and its handling at the health office.

Repair of mobility devices:

  • The Ministry of Health finances the repair of mobility devices after the end of the warranty period given by the supplier.
  • As of April 1, 2017, all populations are given full funding for repairs of manual mobility devices (such as manual wheelchairs and toilet wheelchairs), as previously only for repairs of electric mobility devices. For more details, see the circular of the Medical Administration dated 05.04.2017.
  • The Ministry may collect participation in the financing of the repair in the event of a malfunction resulting from negligence, from unreasonable use, or from use contrary to the instructions of the manufacturer, the supplier or the Ministry of Health.
  • Mobilitiy Device supplied untill 2014:
    • After the end of the warranty period, do not contact the suppliers directly in order to receive a repair service.
    • If a repair is required for the device, please contact the “Voice of Health” hotline by phone: *5400, 08-6241010.
    • Most of the repairs are carried out through the national unit for rehabilitation and mobility devices.
  • Mobility Device supplied as of 2014:
    • In the case of devices supplied by authorized suppliers (in a tender), contact the authorized supplier that supplied the device directly.
  • For more information, see Ministry of Health website.

Returning devices at the end of use:

  • The following device will return to the Health office at the end of use:
    • Manual wheelchairs (all types)
    • Wheelchairs for toilets
    • motorized wheelchairs
    • Wheelchairs with auxiliary motors
    • strollers
    • beds
    • levers
    • Caterpillars/portable stairlifts
    • special walkers (rollers)
  • The recipient of the device and an additional guarantor (or guarantor only), must sign when receiving the device a commitment form and promissory note guaranteeing the return of the device at the end of its use.

Important Information:

  • The authorization to finance the device will be valid for six months.
  • The specification of the recommendation that will be approved by the health bureau, includes functional and medical information that is transmitted, if necessary, to suppliers for price quotations. A person who wishes to maintain confidentiality in the transmission of information, should contact the health bureau in his area of ​​residence.

Aid organizations:

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