Lack of qualified caregivers in nursing homes and the consequences for the care of the elderly

Nov 9, 2023 | 0 comments

Consider the following scenario. There are 30 elderly people in a nursing home, all aged 70, 80, some even over 90. The nurses work in shifts to take care of them. During the evening shift, all 30 seniors are cared for by one nurse (let’s call her Naama); Together with 2-3 assistants and some qualified therapists.

Naama has to make rounds; give them the meals; help them change clothes; put them to bed, give them snacks to eat; Empty the trash cans in the rooms and a sheet of tasks with the help of little manpower.

During the work, she is constantly interrupted with problem after problem. One of the elderly shouts loudly that he wants to go home. Another lays down on the floor and refuses to get up. Nursing is literally a one-man army, and the ridiculously stressful situations are just another typical day at work.

Shortage of personnel and shortage of qualified caregivers in nursing homes-

These are the experiences of nurses in the USA and Israel. Lack of personnel in nursing homes have brought the profession to extreme and insane human pressure.

How are a handful of people (at most two nurses and 4 therapists) supposed to deal with all this? In addition to conversations, care and love for the elderly – and then fill out all the reports without staying overtime?!

The short answer is – impossible! Something must go wrong when the nurse has to take care of so many debts. According to the latest statistics, things are definitely going wrong in the elderly care sector in the country.

But how can we blame the nurses and the nursing homes, when there is only one person in charge of dozens of different problems per minute?

Or, alternatively, do we blame the families of the tenants who placed their loved ones in the care of strangers?

There is no specific person who can be blamed for the lack of qualified therapists:

Everyone suffers. It is unreasonable to expect one person to manage and care for the needs of so many elderly people at the same time.

mistakes in the distribution of medicines or meals; Lack of attention to small symptoms of pain in the patient which can be an indication of a bigger problem; Or simply the inability to give them the necessary time – all of these can actively contribute to the decrease in the quality of life that the elderly experience in the nursing home. Elderly people, especially those suffering from trauma and problems such as dementia, are sent to nursing homes because their families are unable to provide them with the care they need.

These people are far from their loved ones. Stuck in a place with 50 other seniors and are desperately lonely. The sisters are the ray of light in their lives. A good nurse doesn’t just feed them and clean up after them; She also comforts them, calms them and makes them feel loved.

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