The importance of physical activity to prevent dementia

The importance of physical activity to prevent dementia

Dementia is one of the biggest concerns in the world in the field of quality of life in old age. Not only does it have devastating consequences for the physical and mental health of those affected by it, the disease also affects the quality of life of those around the patients. Family members become caregivers, which changes their routine forever. In our age characterized by the rapid development of technology and innovation, scientists struggle day after day to find new ways that could be effective in delaying or preventing dementia in adults; Among the various ways, physical activity to prevent dementia appears to be the most promising way.

As many studies have shown, maintaining a routine of physical activity starting from a young age, significantly reduces the cases of dementia by about 30% on average. For you and your parents, this is a 30% greater chance of living a long and healthy life, without a disease that casts a shadow over our lives.

In order to show the importance of exercise in preventing dementia among the elderly, we must first ask ourselves the big question.

What is dementia?

If we try to strip things down, dementia is a persistent mental imbalance resulting from a problem in the brain. This causes patients to suffer memory loss, personality changes and impaired judgment.

This can manifest itself in forgetting the day-to-day activities. Activities such as eating meals and wearing clothes. Simple calls or answering questions, as well as more complex actions such as turning off the gas and locking the doors.

The personality can change, a feeling of helplessness and a reduction in dignity can occur, along with thousands of other complications as well.

Physical activity to prevent dementia

In studies that examined the effect of various factors on dementia, exercise and physical activity were found to be highly effective means of preventing dementia.

Although the direct link between physical activity and the prevention of dementia has not been proven, the benefits of physical activity in reducing the risk factors for dementia are not in doubt.

Several studies have also found that regular high-level physical activity slows down the rate of brain tissue loss during the aging process. In any case, devoting a few minutes a day to physical activity is not a bad thing at all and has many benefits.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), participating in 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week, for people aged 65 and over, can actively ward off dementia.

Recommendations on physical activity to prevent dementia

Aerobic activity basically means cardiopulmonary endurance, such as running, riding, walking, dancing and swimming; You get the idea. Even a 10-30 minute walk in the park every day is considered recommended aerobic activity. Undoubtedly, this has a decisive effect on maintaining fitness and health and warding off dementia. Training programs for the elderly exist today in gyms and swimming centers all over the world. Swimming is an excellent means of maintaining fitness. This is because it easily helps burn calories and at the same time does not cause an excessive load on the body.

The benefits of swimming..

Swimming suitable for the elderly can be a fun activity and also a good way to ward off disease. Aerobic exercise is also a great way to stimulate blood flow to the brain.

Resistance Training-

Aerobic activity is not the only way that adults can prevent and slow down the progress of dementia. Resistance training (also known as weight training) can help achieve stronger muscles, more flexible ligaments and increased bone density.

Exercises include lifting weights, squeezing rubber balls, yoga and tai chi. They can help strengthen the muscles of the spine and the hypothalamus (lower brain area). This can greatly contribute to muscular coordination and balance.

Furthermore, physical activity such as yoga and tai chi can contribute to the flexibility of the body and maintaining a fresh and renewed mind.

Biodance and Dance-

Biodance according to Wikipedia combines three worlds – the music, the movement and the group. Biodance, which is the dance of life, enables experiences of deep feeling and perception of life. The movement and dancing in the group make it possible to engage in enjoyable physical activity in a group for people who are unable to persist in the activities described earlier.

Physical activity for dementia patients

Physical activity plays an important role both in preventing and during the course of dealing with dementia. Even after dementia has been diagnosed, it is important for the patient to have a daily activity schedule that includes exercises that increase brain activity as much as possible.

Exercising during dementia gives patients something they can do on their own and this strengthens their self-worth. It also gives them a channel to channel their energies into and prevent other accidents.

Regular physical activity is something that should be incorporated into the lifestyle of every adult and should be started as early as possible.

Exercise can prevent many health problems. It can keep the mind feeling young and happy. So get your doctor’s approval and start exercising!

Happy Seniors Services

Happy Seniors offers a wide range of services to help elderly people living at home and their families. The services include assistance in finding suitable nursing caregivers, managing medical monitoring and personal care, and supporting daily challenges.

The company also offers technological solutions that allow the elderly to stay connected with their families and enjoy community support, all with the goal of improving their quality of life and allowing them to age in a familiar and comfortable environment. Happy Seniors helps the elderly enjoy maximum support and advanced technology, thereby significantly improving their quality of life.

How to communicate correctly with dementia patients? “Tips and Secrets”.

How to communicate correctly with dementia patients? “Tips and Secrets”.

Galit, a nurse who works full-time at a geriatric center. She remembers very well the time when she had to communicate for the first time with a dementia patient from the department where she worked. She was a young nurse at the time and had just finished her bachelor’s degree in nursing. The patient she had to communicate with for the first time was called Shoshana. A 70-year-old woman, who was diagnosed in the early stages of the disease, about two years ago. After working in the geriatric department for several months, one thing was very clear to her: there are many caregivers who are still not sufficiently aware of how to properly communicate with dementia patients.

What is dementia?

Dementia is a disease that affects a person’s ability to make logical decisions, process information, communicate with others and learn new subjects. Communicating with a person with dementia can be a challenging and frustrating task. To this end, I will give you a number of tips that can help you communicate more efficiently and satisfactorily.

If you are one of the people who care for a person with dementia and struggle to communicate with them, then this article is for you. In this article, I will give you helpful tips, which if used, will make your communication with dementia patients significantly easier.

Below are a number of books that can help you in dealing with the care of those suffering from dementia –

  1. Remove all the environmental factors that may hinder you from communicating with the person with dementia such as: an open television, a beeping cell phone, a radio, and more.
  2. Speak slowly and clearly, use simple words.
  3. Ask him closed questions and make sure that all the questions you ask can be answered yes or no. Instead of asking, what would you like to have for lunch? Ask, would you like to eat a sandwich with cheese?
  4. Speak clearly and use the names of the people and things you are talking about. Instead of using body words such as: she, he, they – did you like it? Ask if you liked the cake?
  5. Try to have short conversations with him. People with dementia may lose the sequence of the conversation, if you have long conversations with them.
  6. Give the dementia patient time to respond to your questions. Try to avoid frustration, if the time you have to wait for an answer is longer than expected.

More tips for effective communication with dementia patients-

  1. Talk to the dementia patient at eye level. Address him by his first name, to make sure you have his full attention.
  2. Try to have one-on-one conversations with him. If you cannot avoid talking in a group, try to make sure that you talk to one person at a time.
  3. Try to avoid finishing the sentence for the dementia patient. If he insists on finding the right word, think about the topic of the conversation and ask a question that should help and stimulate what he wanted to say. If the dementia patient tells you – I want… I want… ask a question such as – do you want to go for a walk?
  4. During the conversation, never say to the dementia patient, “I told you so before.” It is important to remember that if the person starts repeating the things he said before, and asks you repeated questions. It is possible that, he simply forgot that he asked the same question before.
  5. Try not to argue with the dementia patient, as this will make them feel anxious. It is much more effective to accept what he says as the truth and continue the conversation.
  6. If the dementia patient has behavioral disturbances, help them gain control. Think of tasks or activities he can do that can help him feel appreciated. For example, daily activities that he used to do and enjoy. Activities he can do at home such as: folding clothes, or cutting vegetables before dinner.
If you have additional questions about dementia and would like to receive support and advice from other people facing the same challenge, you are invited to join our WhatsApp group for senile diseases –

Latest tips for proper communication with dementia patients-

  1. Give the person with dementia clear and helpful instructions. When his cognitive (mental) state continues to deteriorate, control must be maintained with him through simple and effective communication. If you ask him directly – “Can you make me a cup of coffee please?” The request can cause him frustration. On the other hand, if you offer him to make coffee together with you and guide him through simple instructions. This way, you can give him back his sense of control. Instead: “Can you make me a cup of coffee please?” “Please fill the kettle with water”, “Boil the water”, “Take the coffee beans out of the cupboard” etc.
  2. I will be flexible to their world! Many people who live with dementia lose track of time. If the dementia patient is not ready to talk to you at that moment, try to understand the reason for this. It’s possible that he just woke up, or he was up all night, or he’s just not in the mood to talk, or he wants to rest and watch TV. It is important to remember that, if you do not receive any response from the dementia patient, you must continue to talk with him patiently and respectfully. All this, in order to avoid frustration and a feeling of lack of appreciation.
  3. It is very useful to find sources of mental support! When dementia worsens, it is important to have someone to talk to. You have to take breaks and gather strength for the rest of the way.
  4. Know when to walk away! If the dementia patient becomes irritable or threatening, take a deep breath and walk away. Remember that living with a dementia patient is not easy – you can always come back and try to deal with it later.

Below are a number of highly recommended products, which will facilitate the quality of life and communication with your loved ones suffering from dementia –

In conclusion-

You must remember that the dementia patient is not always responsible for his actions. It is the terrible disease that causes his behavior and the gradual deterioration of his brain functions. I really hope that one day there will be a cure for this disease. But, now you must learn how to deal with its consequences. The best way is to focus on the positive things you achieve with the person dealing with dementia. Try to spend every day with him as much as possible.

Written by Irit Rabinowitz – attorney with a master’s degree in the field of health and rehabilitation – with extensive experience with mentally ill and nursing patients.

Why do dementia patients have spontaneous outbursts of crying and shouting?

Why do dementia patients have spontaneous outbursts of crying and shouting?


Anyone who knows dementia patients closely must have come across the phenomenon because dementia patients sometimes have outbursts of crying and shouting, for no apparent reason. Suddenly there are spontaneous shouts that cannot be exactly understood at that moment what is the reason for them. These are very stressful and difficult phenomena that are not easy to deal with, for the patient himself and for those who treat him.

What could be the reasons that can cause screams and spontaneous crying in dementia patients?

The reasons why the dementia patient screams or cries spontaneously are:

  1. Physiological reasons – such as: pain, restlessness, hunger or the desire to use the toilet.
  2. External reasons such as: an environment that is too noisy or busy or any change in the daily routine of the person dealing with dementia.
  3. Mental reasons – such as loneliness, boredom, anxiety, depression or delusions.

Crying can be a result of real stress, stemming from feelings of loss, or overwhelm. In addition, crying can be less of a case of grief and more of a result of behavior that stems from habit.

Spontaneous crying and shouting, common in dementia diseases such as: vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia and Lewy body type dementia. These behaviors can increase during the day as a result of sundowning syndrome.

Sunset syndrome is a condition in which the dementia patient feels anxious and agitated, especially in the afternoon and evening, the hours of sunset.

Sometimes, a person with dementia can shout and cry for no particular reason, at a certain time during the day. That person may feel anxiety, fear, delusions or paranoia during that time. Therefore, his behavior is expressed in uncontrollable crying and shouting. Sometimes there are people, especially dementia patients, who suffer from a phenomenon called pseudobulbar affect which causes uncontrollable crying and inappropriate laughter. Those people who suffer from this phenomenon can cry and not know why they are crying or laughing for no reason.

מדוע לחולי דמנציה יש התפרצויות בכי וצעקות ספונטניות?
Spontaneous crying and shouting..

How can dementia patients be helped with outbursts of crying and shouting?

There are times when there does not seem to be a reason for the dementia patient to cry, at least there is no reason that we can determine. Sometimes, dementia patients get “stuck” in a certain behavior for no real reason. Anyway, before you decide that crying and shouting in dementia patients is a behavior without a specific reason.

Instead of saying, “That’s how it is with dementia patients,” adopt the following interventions to make sure you’re doing everything you can to help them.

  1. Pay attention to the times when the demented person does not cry or shout. Examine his environment, the time it happens during the day. Does this behavior call after a certain treatment or after a certain meal? Does it happen during an activity he likes to do? If possible, try to recreate the event that made him calm.
  2. Try to rule out depression or anxiety in the dementia patient. Crying and shouting can indicate anxiety and depression in dementia patients.
  3. Involve him in meaningful activities such as: simple housework, of course all under your supervision. See article on “How to communicate correctly with dementia patients?” Tips and secrets – tip number 6.
  4. Check if he does not suffer from any pain, or some discomfort.
  5. Check with the pharmacist or treating doctor the medications he receives. Sometimes a certain mixture of medications he receives at the same time can cause anxiety and stress.
  6. Don’t give up, most of the time the challenging behaviors in dementia do have meaning. Our job as primary therapists and professional therapists is to continue to improve the quality of patients’ lives. The dose of crying and shouting can be reduced by a combination of supportive and calm behavior and appropriate medications

Activities that can be done to reduce outbursts of crying and shouting:

If you have checked that all the basic needs of the person with dementia have been met, but he is still shouting and crying, you must perform these calming actions:

  1. Playing favorite music – check with him what his favorite music is and play it for him, the music can calm him down and distract him.
  2. Interaction with small children – young children cause a lot of joy in life for older people in general and dementia patients in particular.
  3. Therapy using animals – a pet animal can develop a sense of empathy and love towards it on the part of the dementia patient and thus has a calming effect on the person with dementia.
  4. Fresh air – a change in one’s environment can always improve one’s day.
  5. Snack or drink – sometimes a tasty snack or drink can distract the person with dementia and provide them with temporary comfort.
  6. Gentle and soothing touch – try to hold his hand, caress his shoulder or comb his hair. These gestures, which express love and concern and not just help them in their day-to-day activities, greatly improve the quality of their lives and calm them down.

Important accessories and games for dementia patients.


In conclusion-

Sometimes, behaviors in dementia are like a challenging puzzle to solve. We don’t have the magic solution to solve it, but we know that there are things that can be done to ease and help.

As primary therapists and professional therapists, we constantly have to persevere and work to solve the puzzle. In the end, don’t forget that our stress may increase the anxiety and stress of the dementia patient.

Taking short breaks of a few minutes can prevent flooding in the therapist himself and the matter is important for the mental health of both the therapist and the patient. You are invited to share the article and also comment and make your comments about it in the comments below.

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מדוע לחולי דמנציה יש התפרצויות בכי וצעקות ספונטניות?

How to prevent burnout in a person who treats a dementia patient?

How to prevent burnout in a person who treats a dementia patient?


Being a person caring for a dementia patient is the hardest and most abrasive job there is. People who take care of dementia patients, need to work with them wholeheartedly. This is to make sure they get the best quality of life they can get. They have to do everything so that their happiness is above their own personal happiness. Mental stress and burnout are actually the side effects of this work. In the case of people caring for dementia patients, the psychological impact and mental stress, they significantly negatively affect their mental health. If you are one of those people who are devotedly caring for dementia patients, then this article is for you. Keep reading and learn how to prevent burnout and bring more joy to your life and the life of the person you care for.

שחיקה בקרב בן משפחה מטפל

Take Time for yourself-

A significant part of the caregiving family member’s job is to devote his best resources to the quality of life of the sick family member. From daily needs such as bathing and preparing meals to more important things such as: talking with them, or even doing fun tasks with them such as: making cookies, just to contribute more joy to their lives.

Caring family members are sometimes so involved in the lives of the relatives they are caring for, that they forget to take care of themselves. Not finding time to take care of yourself, leads to complete burnout. Therefore, the first thing you should do is take a day off. Leave the tasks you have that day to another person who will replace you (another family member or a professional caregiver). Go for a walk with friends, get together with the rest of your family, or just read a book in the comfort of your home. Everyone needs time for themselves and you deserve it!!

Research the disease-

The transition from being cared for by your parents to caring for them can be very challenging. Children can suddenly find themselves caring for their aging parents who have been diagnosed with dementia. This challenging situation is accompanied by anxiety about the parent’s future and frustration that the parent is no longer able to perform simple tasks. is a symptom of burnout. In this situation, the therapist should take a step back and try to investigate the illness, to understand what is happening in the person he is treating. Once the illness is investigated and understood, it can reduce feelings of anger and frustration on the part of the therapist towards the patient. When the illness worsens, the therapist You need to find ways to know how to deal with the changes.Talking with other therapists and sharing difficulties with them is a great way to deal with burnout.

Meditation – a great way to deal with burnout –

Feelings of stress and anxiety are an integral part of the therapist’s work. They are constantly worried about the patient’s health, stressed about his health, worried about the future, tired from the work of treating him, there is no way to get rid of the negative thoughts completely, but there are ways to reduce them. Sit in a quiet place and take breaths. Listen to relaxing music. Relax your body and try to forget for a few minutes the thoughts that bother you. Concentrate and imagine a place where you would like to be just for 15 minutes and engage in meditation. These 15 minutes are enough to refresh your mind and give yourself a break from reality. Doing this type of meditation exercise together with the adult you are caring for can be a good idea. The person you are caring for is also sometimes anxious. Therefore, meditating with them can only do them good.

מניעת שחיקה על ידי מדיטציה
A woman is meditating

Exercise – another way to avoid stress and burnout –

Caring for a person with dementia is hard work that requires a lot of effort and involves many tasks. Although helping an elderly person with dementia can be a demanding task, there is no better activity for your body than exercise. In order to make sure that you are exercising enough, it is very important to dedicate a certain amount of time each day to physical activity. An activity like jogging around the park, for a certain time during the day, can cause a real change in your physical health. Exercise can also do wonders to clear your head.

Take care of yourselves-

A sick carer cannot act as a carer towards anyone. It absolutely cannot benefit an elderly person who depends on the help of the caregiver for his basic needs. If you don’t take care of yourselves and you become sick, then who will take care of the patients? Make regular appointments with the doctor to make sure your health is good, eat regular and nutritious meals. Not maintaining the weight will not help the patient’s treatment at all. Beyond that, improper nutrition can lead to diseases, such as: diabetes and high blood pressure. Eat your meals on time, exercise and go to the doctors for checkups. If you take care of yourself, the stress will go away.

Take a minute to Thank-

It is impossible to avoid the fact that caring for an adult with dementia is a difficult task. But, it is important to remember that the work is worth it. The therapist dedicates his time to improve the patient’s quality of life and this is an amazing thing in itself. The therapist’s work has an amazing purpose for the patient. In whatever situation and suffering your patient is going through, be grateful that you are there to help ease his pain and let him feel at ease in such difficult times.


caretaker helping senior man
A nurse helps guide an elderly person

A manny helps guide a person Nanny plays an important role in the development of our society. They are the people who are responsible for caring for the adults who need help. If you are a caregiver, or if you know someone who is caring for an elderly person who needs help. Take a minute to remind you or them to take care of themselves. If you adopt the techniques given to you in this article, you can avoid stress and burnout. But, if you get sick, heaven forbid, from stress and burnout, then who will take care of the elderly person you are caring for? An adult

Torments of conscience – how to deal with them, when it is necessary to get help from a therapist or nursing home?

Torments of conscience – how to deal with them, when it is necessary to get help from a therapist or nursing home?


Your family member has reached a point where he needs help with daily activities and you are no longer able to provide that help. In this case, there is no choice but to get a therapist to help your older family members deal with daily tasks. The uncertainty about who is the person who will help the family member who needs help, causes you pangs of conscience. Feelings of guilt even increase, when the elderly is a person who has taken care of you all your life and now you are the ones who have to take care of him.

In any case, if it is difficult for you to take care of your elderly family member, due to some kind of cognitive and/or functional deterioration. Therefore, he needs care and supervision for 24 hours a day, you should not feel guilty and I will immediately explain why.

This is a natural matter because when our loved ones need our help, we will be drawn to their help. Just as our loved ones helped us when they were younger. This thought is admirable, but at the same time, it is not realistic at all. When people age and their health deteriorates, they need help that more than two or three people are able to give. We cannot leave our offspring and work aside and go take care of our elderly family members two or three times a week.

Therefore, we start looking for other treatment options, despite being full of guilt.

Treatment options that are not in a nursing home-

1. In your family’s home-

This option means that we actually allow the elderly family member to live with us in our home, of course if the space in our home is sufficient for that. If this is the path we choose for them, we need the other family members not to show any objection to it.

Home Care..

2. Elderly clubs-

If our elderly family member is still sober, or has a slight cognitive decline, this can be a wonderful option for them for employment during the day. At the Senior Citizens Club, your older family members will be able to receive close supervision as well as diverse options for employment. This option means that your family member is under supervision that is not yours.

3. Home Caregiver-

Another potential option, this, is a caregiver at home. But, pangs of conscience are still gnawing at you and you are not the ones giving your elderly family member all the care. The person who takes care of them is a stranger who helps you. In any case, it is important to remember that your family member has someone who cares and cares, while you can take care of your own things.

4. Placing the elderly in out-of-home housing-

When the day comes, home care is no longer an option. You must have promised yourself that you would never put your family member in a nursing home. But, the time comes when you must break this promise.

If your family member suffers from delusions or wanders and can’t find his way home. You have no choice here, but to find him an institutional arrangement. If it has already become physically and mentally difficult for you to take him down and get him back to bed. You have no choice but to find an institutional arrangement for your older family member. Another example of this is that it is physically difficult for you to pick up and take down your family member from the bed, due to a stroke and you must call for help for this. This is, in fact, another clear sign that your older family member needs an institutional arrangement.

How to overcome the pangs of conscience that attack us when placing our elderly family member in an institutional arrangement?

Your understanding that the care of the elderly dear to you requires more help than you are able to give, causes pangs of conscience to rise. You know you are unable to care for your elderly family member alone, but you cannot stop the guilt from overwhelming you.

what can be done?

A. Acknowledge that you are doing and have done the best you can for your elderly family member – to truly understand that you have done and are doing everything possible to take care of your elderly family member.

Today people live longer than in the past and are generally in much worse shape than in the past. If you had sent your dear elderly person to a nursing home 40 years ago, he probably wouldn’t have survived the way he can today, in today’s nursing homes.

B. Do your research on nursing homes – It is very important to take the initiative and find the best geriatric facility for your elderly family members. This means, go and make visits to the various institutions close to your area of ​​residence. Make it a family project. Go together with the rest of the family to visit the various institutions or have a tour of duty, then discuss what you think about the places you saw. Ask questions and do some background research on the different places you’ve seen, in order to find the best place for your older family member.

This process will ensure that you do everything possible to find the best facility for your loved one and you will feel confident that your loved one is safe. By doing so, you will be able to trust the staff of the institution to take care of your loved one, as you do.

C. You still take care of them – although you moved your dear family members to a nursing home, you still take care of them. You can and even in some cases should be appointed as a guardian for them and also serve as their main caregivers (the contacts with the institution’s staff).

Make sure that you can put the personal belongings of your family members into their room in the nursing home, in order to make their room as similar as possible to their home, before entering the nursing home. You should stay in frequent contact with your senior’s ward staff. When you release the feelings of guilt, you will be able to start enjoying being with your dear family members. the difference?

What would happen if you let go of your guilty feelings that cause pangs of conscience?

You will not feel that you are tied to the needs of the elderly dear to you. You will have more time for yourself and you can devote yourself to your hobbies again. You won’t feel tired and you can do positive things for them like bringing your children and grandchildren to visit. You can bring them foods and movies they like to watch.

When you release the feelings of guilt, you will be able to do all these things with feelings of joy and love and not out of pangs of conscience. Your older family member will also feel more relaxed this way and will thank you for devoting your valuable time to him to make them happier.

What do you need to remember?

It is very important to tell yourself again and again that you are doing the best for your older family member and for yourself. You are all human and are not able to do so much for them on your own. Although you broke your promise not to put them in a nursing home, by visiting them often, you are still their primary caregiver. You don’t have to feel guilty about putting them in a geriatric center, it’s all for their benefit and yours.

Registered: Irit Rabinowitz, M.A. in social work in the field of health and rehabilitation.

Retirement with financial well-being: how is it possible?

Retirement with financial well-being: how is it possible?

Hello dear retiree! We have reached the day that most of us dream of reaching and as you know a dream is not a cheap thing. Let’s see how it is possible to reach retirement with financial well-being and do it responsibly and efficiently

פרישה לגמלאות ברווחה כלכלית. כיצד ניתן?

Do’s and Don’ts in Retirement

Do not do:

  • Do not make rash actions in the asset portfolio (pension, training, provident funds, real estate portfolio, etc.) without consulting an expert in the field.
  • Don’t become an overnight real estate, capital market, high tech and brewery investor.
  • Do not refuse to take the advice of an experienced and reputable expert because

“From all my teaching I have learned, because your testimony is a conversation to me.”

  • Do not take actions against the income tax without consulting a retirement planner, tax advisor or certified accountant. This tip can save you tens or even hundreds of thousands of shekels.


  • Summarize the flow of monthly income and expenses:

Why ?

Because in most cases the expenses in retirement increase more electricity, water, trips, a new car and even just to pamper the grandchildren.

You will be surprised to hear that the current income is decreasing.

  • Summarize all your assets and understand which ones give you a higher return and how you maximize their profits.

*For those of us interested in the definition of an asset, it is as follows: An asset is defined as a resource that is under the control of an entity and is expected to bring economic benefits to the entity in the future.

Example: real estate for investment, monthly pension, education fund and investment policies.

  • Build a routine for you, a daily schedule and goals to fulfill your dreams and what the cost of those goals will be and where you finance it.

I claim that a person who has no mountain to climb simply degenerates, we must find new peaks to conquer and achieve.

  • You will understand your full rights vis-à-vis the government authorities (income tax, social security) who are your partners whether you like it or not and try to pay as little as possible within the law of course.

Click on the image to leave details for more information-


In my work, I encounter clients who are surprised to find out that it is possible to save money that they never dreamed of and that you can get more money from the income tax.

As part of Amendment 190 to the Income Tax Ordinance that took effect in 2012, the basket of exemptions for retirees has increased considerably. The problem is that the benefits are not given automatically but through a process called determination of rights (Form 161D). These forms, it requires the understanding of an expert from the field because it is a non-returnable form.

I met a lovely 68-year-old retiree who, to my surprise, paid about NIS 450 in income tax every month. After a short inquiry, I understood from her that she was sure that she was taken care of properly because she left a well-organized and large workplace.

After filling out form 161 D, establishing rights for an assessor in her area of ​​residence, she received a full exemption from paying the monthly tax and retroactive refunds from the age of 62.

She received refunds in the amount of NIS 32,000 and a future exemption throughout her entire life. With a quick calculation according to average life expectancy, she saved herself a tax worth NIS 151,000. Which in my opinion is a significant amount of money.

Is it also in your eyes?

We would be happy to hear your opinions on the matter, in the comments below.

For further advice, you are welcome to enter my company’s business page on Facebook – The Center for Retirement Planning and contact me!

You are invited to join the WhatsApp group regarding retirement.

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