What do seniors think of nursing homes ?

What do seniors think of nursing homes ?

Admitting a loved one into a long-term nursing home is probably one of the hardest decisions a person has to take. In many cases the debate about nursing homes is fierce.

Families do it for a multitude of reasons. The biggest of which is that the aging senior can no longer live by themselves. They need constant supervision from a skilled medical and para-medical stuff due to health issues. We’re all aware of the general opinion regarding nursing facilities, and an elder’s aversion towards them. However, what do the seniors really think about nursing homes?

We at Happy Seniors have provided a perspective of some seniors to
the debate about nursing homes. Read on to find out two true stories of Carol Hathaway and Emily Gardener. As they talk about their lives after being admitted to a full time nursing home.

The Story of Carol

Carol, 85 years old, was admitted to Rosenfield Senior Home ten years ago. After a devastating fall left her body paralyzed from the waist down, her family made the decision of full time care. Leaving behind her home was in no way easy. But she made her peace with the decision after seeing the everyday struggles her family underwent to take care of her.

After arriving though, Carol was quite pleasantly surprised. First of all, there was no indication of the “smell” that apparently existed in nursing homes; Rosenfield was as clean as their house. She had been scared of going into an entirely new environment and having to live there for who knew how long.

It turned out that the seniors didn’t just sit around all day staring out windows as she had feared; the inhabitants of Rosenfield were all kept busy with their very own tasks. Gardening, sewing, painting, and even cooking: they each had something to keep busy and throughout the day. Even though she still missed home, her family was never very far. Carol began to find her place in the community. She felt especially happy at no longer having to trouble her loved ones.

The Story of Emily

In some ways, 75 year old Emily’s story was not much different. Inflicted with dementia two years ago, she had been cared for her by her eldest daughter for one year before coming to Rosenfield. Emily wasn’t very good at remembering short-term memories; but, her memories of her days as a carefree youth were still clear in her mind. She liked talking about them and was happy to share her story with us.

Emily worked as the chef in a restaurant for 40 solid years before age forced her into retirement; she was already living with her beautiful daughter when the diagnosis came. When Clare had to quit her job to take care of her mother, Emily first began to look through the brochures of Rosenfield. She would never be willing to burden herself on her daughter who still had a long life ahead of her worth living.

Emily was still upset though on moving day; leaving was never easy. Clare came to visit every week, and still did so even a year later. Emily needs a nurse’s full time support now for her meds and supervision. The funny thing was… in the past year, the change that had at first made her unhappy, had turned into her greatest source of joy. Most of the nurses felt like a daughter to her. And there were others she could talk to if she wanted; no one forced her to do anything she didn’t want to do. The other residents were all like family now and she loved staying with them.

Preventing caregivers stress and burnout nursing dementia /Alzheimer’s

Preventing caregivers stress and burnout nursing dementia /Alzheimer’s

Being a caregiver is among the most rewarding, and at the same time, stressful occupations in the world. These people put their heart and soul into ensuring the well-being of a senior. They do anything and everything they can to put their beloved elder’s comfort and happiness above their own. Caregivers’ stress and burnout is the unfortunately common side-effect of this job.

In the case of caregivers nursing elderly with dementia and/or Alzheimer’s, the psychological impact and stress upon them is significantly more and can seriously hamper their own mental health.

If you are one of those kind and loving people who are suffering from caregivers stress and burnout, then today’s article is for you. Read on to find out how to prevent the ailment and bring happiness back into your lives.

1. Give time to yourself.

A huge part of a caregiver’s job is devoting a lot of their resources ensuring the wellbeing of others.

From the daily necessities of meals and bath time to the smaller and even more important things of making conversation with the senior, or a kind gesture like making chocolate chip cookies with them to just bring some fun and light into their day.

Caregivers become so involved in someone else’s life that they forget to live their own. Not giving time to yourself is what leads to swift burnout.

Therefore the first thing you need to do is simply take a day off. Assign your duties for the day to an equally competent caregiver. Spend time by going on a trip with friends. Meet with family, or just simply read a book in the comfort of your own home. Everyone needs some me-time; you deserve it too!

2. Research the disease.

The transformation from being cared for to giving care among parents and children can be a challenging one, to say the least.

Sons and daughters suddenly find themselves in the role of a caregiver nursing a parent with dementia. They feel anxiety about their parent’s future and frustration at the simple tasks the elder can no longer do.

This is a key symptom of experiencing caregiver burnout. The caregiver needs to take a step back and at first research their elder’s disease to understand what’s happening.

It will reduce unwarranted anger and frustration at the patient. As the disease gets worse, they will need to find ways to cope with the changes. Talking to other caregivers and discussing the problems with them can help immensely too.

3. Meditation – a great way to prevent caregivers’ stress and burnout.

Experiencing stress and anxiety are bound to the job of a caregiver. They are always anxious about their patient’s health, stressful about finances, worried about the future, exhausted from the labor…

There is no way to completely remove this negativity, but there are effective ways to reduce it.

Sit down in a quiet place and take some deep breaths. Put on some soothing music if you want. Relax your body and forget your mundane activities. Focus and imagine a place you wish to be in for just fifteen minutes a day and meditate.

These fifteen minutes are enough to rejuvenate your mind and give it the much-needed break it needs from reality. Doing this exercise with the elder is also a nice thought; the elder may also constantly be in a state of anxiety.

Meditation can do a lot of good for them too.

What do seniors think of nursing homes ?

How to protect your loved one from elderly abuse

Elderly abuse is far more common than most people realize. It can happen in a nursing home, residential facility or even in their own home. As people get older, they become more fragile and weaker.

Their minds are not as sharp as they once were. People tend to take advantage of the decline in physical and mental faculties older adults have. They don’t have the ability to stand up for themselves – to fight against a person taking advantage of them or hurting them.

While the majority of elder abuse takes place in residential homes or institutions where they are hospitalized for a prolonged period of time, it can also happen in one’s own home with a caregiver.

How do you know if a loved one is being abused? Is it physical abuse or emotional abuse? Is it possibly both? What are the signs of abuse that you need to be aware of?

Physical elderly abuse

This is the use of force that causes physical pain and disability – pushing, scratching, pulling, biting, etc. Outward signs of physical abuse

Physical Abuse Example

A social worker working at a nursing home receives a report from the in-charge nurse about two residents with blood fluids on their hands and faces. The social worker starts to ask questions of the caregiver about the bruises who adamantly denies any wrongdoing. 

The caregiver provides an explanation that the residents have severe dementia and were being disruptive. They were trying to get out of their beds at night and being unruly.  The social worker refuses to buy into that theory. 

Based on the story and the evidence, she speaks with the department staff. Come to learn, the nursing administration learned that the caregiver was drunk at work and had hit the two residents on the face and hands after they failed to listen to her. 

A committee was put together and agreed to report the matter to police and the ministry of health where the nursing home is located. The police department investigated the claim including the caregiver, social worker and in-charge nurse. The caregiver was let go from her position and was sentenced to community service.

Emotional Elderly Abuse

Being a caregiver is among the most rewarding, and at the same time, stressful occupations in the world. These people put their heart and soul into ensuring the well-being of a senior. They do anything and everything they can to put their beloved elder’s comfort and happiness above their own. Caregivers’ stress and burnout is the unfortunately common side-effect of this job.

In the case of caregivers , the psychological impact and stress upon them is significantly more and can seriously hamper their own mental health.

If you are one of those kind and loving people who are suffering from caregivers stress and burnout, then today’s article is for you. Read on to find out how to prevent the ailment and bring happiness back into your lives.

This is the use of speech and attitude that leads to emotional pain and pressure – shouting, threats, isolation of family and friends, ridicule, ignoring them, etc. Some signs of emotional abuse .

Emotional Abuse Example

A social worker is talking with a client and notices that the client is closed off and upset. Concerned, the social worker asks what’s going on. At first, the client refuses to say anything and doesn’t feel like talking.

The social worker decides to sit with the client, quiet in the hopes that she’ll want to start talking. After some time, the client feels comfortable enough to explain their mood, saying her caregiver was yelling at her, saying she is too fat.

The client tells the social worker she was afraid of retaliation by the caregiver for telling someone about what happened.  The social worker talks with the caregiver who vehemently denies the action. The incident is reported to social welfare and the ministry of health.

Sexual Elderly Abuse

This is the act of having sexual intercourse against an older person’s will and can include forcing them to undress when they don’t want to, watching pornographic videos and images, forcing them to perform sexual acts, etc.

Economic Exploitation

This is the unauthorized use of a person’s property by the caregiver or other party. This includes stealing, falsify documents, extortion, robbery, etc, of a person’s financial situation that they become financially dependent on the caregiver themselves.

Dementia and Guardianship Activity

Dementia and Guardianship Activity

A client, unsure if she wanted to take on the role of guardianship for her mother who has a moderate level of dementia, came to me for help. The woman said her mother could still recognize people but did forget what day it was from time to time.

Her mother also began to suffer from delusions.  She was convinced that her mother was still about to think clearly, and could make decisions for her mother. Although her doctor and I explained that the disease was rapidly progressing, the daughter refused to begin the guardianship process.

It wasn’t until her mother fell and needed surgery from her broken leg that she discovered her mother was worse off than she thought.

Doctors would not do the surgery without her mother’s permission, and since they felt she was unable to give it, they did a mental test. She scored low on the test. It was then a social worker took temporary guardianship of the mother. 

This process took several days to resolve, and the mother had to remain in the hospital in pain before surgery could be performed. She was given painkillers often to help with the pain. This would never have happened if the daughter had listened and assumed guardianship over her mother.

Guardianship: Should you become one? and the legal process behind it.

Many people, as they age, have dementia. The more serious the dementia is, the more help the person will need in their day.

Elderly dementia patients are at both physical and financial risk due to their susceptibility to abuse (such as physical, emotional, financial, etc.) and their own decisions. These patients needed even more protection from predators. 

For example, an older adult who refuses to allow a caregiver in their home or refuses to move to a nursing home could be deemed risking themselves and their environment.

If the same person suffers a stroke and can no longer talk and needs assistance 24 hours a day, they are no longer able to provide their input into the kind of care they will get. This is why guardianship was designed.

What Is A Guardianship?

A guardian is selected to make someone’s personal decisions for them. This is a person who is unable to decide for themselves where they will live and what kind of health care they need.

The guardian can make these decisions for them. And, an elderly person can have more than one guardian– one person can make financial decisions; another person can make healthcare decisions. Also, they can both be a guardian for both kinds of decisions.

Should You Become A Guardian For Your Loved One?

When you take on the role of guardianship, you have to let the court know every so often about how the person is doing.

Make sure you fully understand the role you are about to take on before you become their legal guardian. If becoming a legal guardian over someone sounds tedious, there are other alternatives to consider.

If an emergency arises, you could always file for a temporary guardianship, where the court assigns who the guardian will be.

What do seniors think of nursing homes ?

Great Medical Devices For Senior Living

The right medical devices can make all the difference between a slight injury and a life-threatening situation. They can also make the difference between comfortable and uncomfortable living.

As a senior, it doesn’t matter if you are independent or not. There are several ways to improve your health, stay safe, stay informed, do better with daily activities, and more.

Technology advances every day – this makes it possible for such great products to be developed. Read on as we introduce you to some of the best medical devices for senior living. Feel free to purchase right away if you need them.

1. HealthSmart Digital Blood Pressure Monitor

Being able to take your blood pressure readings at home or on the go is highly convenient and most seniors need this more than anything. The HealthSmart Digital Blood Pressure Monitor is a digital device that provides accurate blood pressure readings with additional benefits. It’s various features make this device senior-friendly and equally suitable for anyone else who needs it.

The HealthSmart Digital Blood Pressure Monitor comes with two different-sized cuffs. It is designed to allow you to hear your readings clearly from the talking LCD screen. The device also detects irregular heartbeats and keeps a record of precisely 120 reading history with accurate dates and times.

It is built with a two-person storage memory meaning 60 readings each in history for both persons. It is even more ideal if you are a senior couple. The high-contrast backlit screen shows you your readings along with the date, time, and any irregularities. An included BP guide is available for you to compare your readings with an internationally established standard.

It’s easy to set up, use on the go, and stay informed on your blood pressure readings. There are hardly any cons associated with this product.

2. TENS 7000 2nd Edition – medical devices top pick.

The best way to describe TENS is as a drug-free pain relief system and massager. It has been in the medical devices industry for over 10 years and is often used by doctors and physical therapists with no prescription.

TENS works by sending comfortable impulses through the skin to stimulate the nerve in the area you need treatment, thus acting as an electric massager that calms the nerves. TENS can be used easily in timed therapy sessions or on-demand. You control the intensity of TENS with the simple control knobs on the device. For seniors that need to stimulate their muscle, treat pain, muscle recovery, and more. TENS can be a lifesaving solution.

In TENS’ early years it was only used by professionals in the medical devices industry but now because of its impact and popularity with people, it is available over the counters. To use TENS all you have to do is place 4 of TENS multi-use pads on the affected area.

The pads are self-adhesive so they stay put. Select your preferred intensity level and sit back to enjoy the soothing massage. TENS is easy to use after reading the attached manual and guide. A professional such as a physician or doctor can also walk you through the process.

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