The Complete Guide to Managing a Live-in Caregiver in Israel: Essential Steps for Long-term Success
Having and managing a live-in caregiver for your elderly loved one is a significant life change that requires careful consideration and clear...

The Complete Guide to Finding a Live-in Caregiver in Israel: Finding, Interviewing, and Hiring
Have you already decided that Finding a live-in caregiver is the right choice for your loved one? Whether you're continuing your journey from our...

The Complete Guide to Hiring a Live-in Caregiver in Israel: Making the Right Choice for Your Family
Hiring a live-in caregiver from abroad ("foreign caregiver") is a significant decision that can profoundly impact your family's life. For families...

Understanding Guardianship in Israel: Your Role as an Appointed Guardian
Sarah sat across from her mother's neurologist at Ichilov Hospital, trying to process what she just heard. Her mother, once a vibrant retired...

AI in Social Work: A New Era of Support and Compassion
Today’s world is aging fast, and with it, the need is growing for social workers who help vulnerable people. Technology, especially Artificial...

Unlocking the Golden Years: Comprehensive Guide to Senior Benefits in Israel
As the sun sets on a lifetime of hard work and contributions, Israel ensures that its senior citizens are rewarded with a host of Senior Benefits...

The Guardianship Process in Israel: 7 Steps to Ensure the Ward’s Rights
Guardianship is a legal process designed to protect individuals who are unable to manage their own affairs, whether due to age, medical condition,...

Understanding the Ministry of Health Code for Funding Elderly Care in Israel
In Israel, the aging population often requires specialized care, which can be financially burdensome for families. The Ministry of Health offers a...

How to Cope with the War in Israel: A Guide for Seniors
The ongoing conflict in Israel has created immense challenges, especially for seniors, people with disabilities, and their families. Elderly...

Navigating Subsidies and Assistance for Medical Accessories in Israel: A Comprehensive Guide
Many people in Israel are unaware of the full range of benefits and subsidies they are entitled to when it comes to Medical Accessories in Israel...

Receiving Long-Term Care Benefits in Cash: Tools, Advantages, and Options
Are you or your loved ones eligible for long-term care benefits? Have you heard about the option to receive these benefits in cash instead of...

Elderly Care in Israel: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing Between Home Care and Nursing Homes
In recent years, elderly care in Israel has become a significant challenge for the society. With increasing life expectancy and a growing elderly...

The Challenge of Optimal Aging in Israel: An In-Depth Look at the Demographic and Social Future
Israel, like many countries worldwide, faces a significant challenge: the aging of its population. Those challenge of optimal aging in Israel, are...

How to Use HappySeniors Job Board: A Complete Guide for Employers
Welcome to HappySeniors! In this video guide, we walk employers through our caregiver employment job board, helping you find the best candidates for...

HappySeniors Caregivers Job-Board Explainer
Discover how the HappySeniors Caregiver Employment Board connects families with professional caregivers, providing seamless and comprehensive...

Walkthrough our ‘HappySeniors’ website to overview its new services
General tour of the ‘HappySeniors’ website and overview of our new services. Discover how we are enhancing the lives of seniors and...

How to communicate correctly with dementia patients? “Tips and Secrets”.
You must remember that the dementia patient is not always responsible for his actions. It is the terrible disease that causes his behavior and the...

Review of the state of nursing homes in Israel
According to an analysis of demographic, economic and social trends, this shortage will get worse in the coming decades. As a result, policy makers...

Housing options for the elderly, the complete guide
Sheltered housing for the independent, as said, is suitable when both spouses are independent. But, what happens when one of the spouses dies or...

Technological innovations in the treatment of Alzheimer’s
We probably have a long time to wait until the day when we wake up to hear about the first cured Alzheimer’s patient. But despite this, with...

Alzheimer’s treatment options – from lifestyle changes to innovative drugs
Alzheimer’s is a degenerative brain disease and its onset can be prevented if the brain remains healthy. The connection between the heart and...

How to deal with a dementia patient, who repeats the same questions?
Dementia patients sometimes have a question stuck in their head and they can’t find ways to get rid of it. The way of action that helps them...

What are the stages of dementia?
There is an estimate that 75 million people may suffer from dementia by 2030 and 131.5 million in 2050. In any case, only 20-50% of cases in...

What is the guardianship process in Israel?
Your loved one has desires and needs that you were not aware of. If you are unable to find out with the person what his needs and desires are, find...

Guardianship, should you be appointed and what are the roles of the guardian over body and property?
As people age, many of them suffer from dementia. As the dementia process worsens, the person suffering from the disease needs more help during the...

Reverse mortgage – how can you get money from an apartment in the third age?
In light of the high cost of living in Israel and the growing dependence of young people on their parents, the need and desire of parents to help...

Subsidy and assistance from state authorities and organizations in accessories!
People who find it difficult to finance their share, can contact the social worker at the health bureau with income certificates of both spouses...

Legal tools in case of loss of capacity and death
There are several mechanisms that can be activated within a will – one of them is called a private endowment, a mechanism similar to a trust....

The new reform in nursing
The new nursing reform gives the recipients of the nursing allowance many new options. There is no doubt that much thought was put into the reform...

Lasting power of attorney – for what and why?
The power of attorney must act according to the instructions of the appointer, he must sign and confirm in writing before a lawyer (or before a...

The six functional states in the adult community.
The different functional situations require different preparation of the elderly and his family members in order to continue the routine of life as...

Participation in financing the treatment of Holocaust survivors suffering from dementia.
Those who have been recognized as receiving compensation based on income according to the Nazi Persecution Disability Law and do not receive any...

Tensions and pressures in the family when caring for a dementia patient at home
There are dementia patients who suffer from aggression, which increases the stress level at home. They may become nasty and even violent, very...

The importance of physical activity to prevent dementia
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), participating in 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity each week, for people aged 65 and over,...

How to communicate correctly with dementia patients? “Tips and Secrets”.
Many people who live with dementia lose track of time. If the dementia patient is not ready to talk to you at that moment, try to understand the...

Why do dementia patients have spontaneous outbursts of crying and shouting?
Sometimes, a person with dementia can shout and cry for no particular reason, at a certain time during the day. That person may feel anxiety, fear,...

How to prevent burnout in a person who treats a dementia patient?
A sick carer cannot act as a carer towards anyone. It absolutely cannot benefit an elderly person who depends on the help of the caregiver for his...

Torments of conscience – how to deal with them, when it is necessary to get help from a therapist or nursing home?
If your family member suffers from delusions or wanders and can’t find his way home. You have no choice here, but to find him an institutional...

Retirement with financial well-being: how is it possible?
Understand the full rights vis-à-vis the government authorities (income tax, social security) who are your partners whether you like it or not and...

Lack of qualified caregivers in nursing homes and the consequences for the care of the elderly
Consider the following scenario. There are 30 elderly people in a nursing home, all aged 70, 80, some even over 90. The nurses work in shifts to...

Dementia and Guardianship Activity
Our mission is to help Clients realize a project in any mood and style by finding and ordering decor, textiles,beding and cutlery from outstanding...

Corona vairus vaccine- everything you need to know
Our mission is to help Clients realize a project in any mood and style by finding and ordering decor, textiles,beding and cutlery from outstanding...

A Guide to Understanding Diabetes disease
Unlike people with Type 1, people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes disease are able to (some extent) produce insulin. The problem, however, lies in...

What do seniors think of nursing homes ?
Admitting a loved one into a long-term nursing home is probably one of the hardest decisions a person has to take. In many cases the debate about...

Preventing caregivers stress and burnout nursing dementia /Alzheimer’s
Being a caregiver is among the most rewarding, and at the same time, stressful occupations in the world. These people put their heart and soul into...

The Impact of COVID19 on the Elderly in Long-term Care Facilities.
Having to admit a loved one to a nursing home can be one of the toughest decisions family members make. But it’s often worth it when you know they...

Non-Invasive Products and Methods for Diabetes Testing
Emily winced as the lance pricked her skin, drawing a single drop of blood. Without a second to waste, she pressed her fingertip to the test strip...

How to protect your loved one from elderly abuse
Elderly abuse is far more common than most people realize. It can happen in a nursing home, residential facility or even in their own home. As...

Dementia and Guardianship Activity
Our mission is to help Clients realize a project in any mood and style by finding and ordering decor, textiles,beding and cutlery from outstanding...

Great Medical Devices For Senior Living
Our mission is to help Clients realize a project in any mood and style by finding and ordering decor, textiles,beding and cutlery from outstanding...